Open Badges Directory

Worldwide Directory of Open Badges

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Get Recent Badges

With the Open Badges Directory API, you can retrieve any badges that have been recently indexed, allowing you to create dynamic badge search functionality. The /recent endpoint accepts optional pagination parameters, so you can specify the count and page of badges you want to retrieve. The API returns JSON including the badge class information for each badge, which you can then build into your site or application user interface.

You can play around with the API endpoints using the Swagger-powered interface.

Let's look at a simple example of using the /recent endpoint to present recent badges in a Web page, with sample code in PHP and JavaScript (node.js).

Calling the Recent Endpoint

The endpoint to retrieve recent badge classes is /recent, optionally with pagination parameters attached - the following example URLs are valid options:

The first example will return all recent badges, while the second will return the second page, where each page contains 10 badge classes. The endpoint returns up to 100 badges.

Implementing the Request

Your approach to calling the endpoint will depend on the language or technology you are working with. The following demonstrates how you might carry out a GET request on the /recent endpoint in PHP:

$curl = curl_init();
//recent endpoint url
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
//store the result as a variable
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$result = curl_exec($curl);

When this code executes, the result variable will contain the returned JSON badge data from the API.

To achieve the same effect in a node.js app using JavaScript, your code might use something like this:

http.get('', function(dirRes) {
    var badgeData = "";

    dirRes.on("data", function (resData) {
        badgeData += resData;

    dirRes.on("end", function () {
        //present results

In the end function, your code can process the JSON badge data returned from the API.

Processing the Badge Class Data

When you call the /recent endpoint, the Directory API returns a JSON array including the recent badge classes. The structure is as follows:

  "data": [
      "name": "Badge Name",
      "description": "Badge description.",
      "image": "",
      "tags": [
      "issuer": "",
      "criteria": "",
      "alignment": [
          "name": "Alignment Name",
          "url": "",
          "description": "Alignment desription."
      "_directory": {
        "_location": "",
        "_valid": true,
        "_timestamp": 1409852679994
      "issuerResolved": {
        "name": "Issuer Name"
      "name": "Badge Name",
      "description": "Badge description.",

Your code can select whichever data items you want to display in your site or application.

Parsing and Output

PHP Example

In the PHP example, you could decode the JSON returned from the API as follows:

$dir_data = json_decode($result, true);

This will place the data values from the JSON in arrays, which you can then iterate through and query for the items you are interested in. For example:

//the data array
foreach ($dir_data as $item){
  //each badge in the array
    foreach ($item as $badge){
        echo "<h2>".$badge['name']."</h2>";
        echo "<img src='".$badge['image']."' alt='badge'/>";
        echo "<p>Issuer: <a href='".$badge['issuer']."'>".$badge['issuerResolved']['name']."</a></p>";

We select the badge name, writing it out as a heading element, then the badge image is displayed in an img element and finally the issuer URL is presented as a link, using the issuer name as the clickable text. You could use the same technique to provide a link to the criteria for the badge.

For the data above, the code would output something like this for each badge:

<h2>Badge Name</h2>
<img src='' alt='badge'/>
<p>Issuer: <a href=''>Issuer Name</a></p>

With a little extra markup plus some CSS, here is the result:


Here's the code in a complete PHP page for reference:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type='text/css'>
body, html {font-family:sans-serif; width:60%; margin:auto; text-align:center; color:#333333;}
a:link {text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:#fc9141;}
h1 {color:#ed1922;}
h2 {color:#279ddd;}
div {padding:3%; margin:2%; border:1px dotted #666666;}
img {width:50%;}


$curl = curl_init();
//recent endpoint url
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
//store the result as a variable
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$result = curl_exec($curl);

$dir_data = json_decode($result, true);

//the data array
foreach ($dir_data as $item){
    //each badge in the array
    foreach ($item as $badge){
        echo "<div>";
        echo "<h2>".$badge['name']."</h2>";
        echo "<img src='".$badge['image']."' alt='badge'/>";
        echo "<p>Issuer: <a href='".$badge['issuer']."'>".$badge['issuerResolved']['name']."</a></p>";
        echo "</div>";


Node Example

Let's do the same in a node.js app. Using the example above as a starting point, inside the end function, we can parse the badge class data as follows:

var badges = JSON.parse(badgeData).data;

Then, still in the same block, we can process the badge class content:

var out="";
for(b=0; b<badges.length; b++){
    out+="<img src='"+badges[b].image+"' alt='badge'/>";
    out+="<p>Issuer: <a href='"+badges[b].issuer+"'>"+badges[b]"</a></p>";

With a little additional markup and CSS, the results are the same as the PHP example image above. The code could appear in the context of a node app as follows:

app.get('/badges', function(req, res){
    http.get('', function(dirRes) {
        var badgeData = "";

        dirRes.on("data", function (resData) {
            badgeData += resData;

        dirRes.on("end", function () {
            var badges = JSON.parse(badgeData).data;
            var b; var out="<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>"+
                "<style type='text/css'>"+
                "body, html {font-family:sans-serif; width:60%; margin:auto; text-align:center; color:#333333;}"+
                "a:link {text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:#fc9141;}"+
                "h1 {color:#ed1922;}"+
                "h2 {color:#279ddd;}"+
                "div {padding:3%; margin:2%; border:1px dotted #666666;}"+
            for(b=0; b<badges.length; b++){
                out+="<img src='"+badges[b].image+"' alt='badge'/>";
                out+="<p>Issuer: <a href='"+badges[b].issuer+"'>"+badges[b]"</a></p>";


Although these simple examples produce trivial results, you can begin to see how you can use the Open Badges Directory API /recent endpoint to retrieve the badge class data for badges recently indexed, building the results into your own custom user interface.

With the ability to present recent badges, you can achieve dynamic effects which change whenever new badges are indexed by the Directory.

To learn more about the badge class structure, see the Specification.

For the other Directory endpoints, see Retrieve Badges.