Open Badges Directory

Worldwide Directory of Open Badges

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Register Using the API

You can register to have your badge list indexed by the Directory using the registration form. If you would prefer to use the API, you can do so as follows.

Registration Endpoint

The registration endpoint in the Directory API is /register:

Badge List

To have your badges indexed by the Directory, you must have a badge list endpoint prepared - this should return a JSON response including each of your badge class locations in an array. See The Badge List Endpoint for details.

Post Data

To register via the API endpoint, you need to supply your registration information via a POST request. The parameters are as follows:

 Parameter   Status   Description 
 endpoint   REQUIRED   The URL of your JSON badge list 
 name   REQUIRED   Your name 
 website   REQUIRED   The URL of your website 
 email   REQUIRED   Your contact email address 
 description   OPTIONAL   Overview of you and your purpose in using the Directory 
 organization   OPTIONAL   Your organization name 

All parameters are strings.

Expected Request

  "endpoint": "",
  "name": "Badge Issuer",
  "website": "",
  "email": "",
  "description": "We love issuing badges.",
  "organization": "Issuer Organization"

Expected Response

If your badge list details were successfully received:

  "data": { "success": true }

You should also receive a confirmation email regarding your registration.

If there was an error processing your registration details:

  "status": "validation failed",
  "errors": {
    "email": {
      "code": "MISSING",
      "field": "email",
      "message": "Field is required"