Open Badges Directory

Worldwide Directory of Open Badges

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Search for Badges

With the Open Badges Directory API, you can search for badge classes matching your chosen parameters. You can carry out full-text search, search for tags, badge names and issuers, optionally combining multiple search parameters into one query. The API /search endpoint returns an array of badge classes matching your search terms.

You can play around with the API endpoints using the Swagger-powered interface.

Let's look at a simple example of using the /search endpoint to query for badges, presenting the results in a Web page, with sample code in PHP and JavaScript (node.js).

Calling the Search Endpoint

The search endpoint is /search, with several optional parameters - although you are required to supply at least one parameter. The following parameters are supported:

  • q - string to use in full-text search of badge classes
  • tags - comma-separated list of strings representing badge tags to match
    • more than one tag results in an AND condition, so the API will return only those badge classes with all of the tags you include
    • works for partial strings, so for example "art" will return badges with "arts" tags
    • tags used by badges in the Directory can be retrieved from the /tags endpoint
  • name - string to match in the badge class name
  • issuer - string to match in the badge issuer name

You can also attach pagination parameters:

  • page - integer representing which page of results to return
  • limit - integer specifying how many results to return per page
    • default limit is 10, maximum value is 100


To search for badge classes containing "open badges", you could use the following URL:

To search for badges with both "arts" and "technology" tags:,technology

To search for any badges with "maker" in the name:

To search for any badges from the issuer "achievery":

Combining parameters, to search for badges from the issuer "achievery" with "technology" tags, returning the first two results:

All of the parameters can be chained together as you require.

Note that if you want to search for particular badge tags, you can retrieve the tags currently used by badges in the Directory - see Find Badge Tags. You can then pass selected tags to your search queries.

Implementing the Request

You will naturally need to use a method that suits your implementation language or technology, but let's look at example requests to the /search endpoint in PHP and node.js. In PHP your code might look something like this:

$curl = curl_init();
//search for all badges with technology tags
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
//store the result as a variable
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$result = curl_exec($curl);

The result variable will then contain the response from the API.

To achieve this using JavaScript in a node.js app, your code might include something like this:

http.get('', function(dirRes) {
    var badgeData = "";

    dirRes.on("data", function (resData) {
        badgeData += resData;

    dirRes.on("end", function () {
        //present results

You can then access the data returned from the API in the end function.

Processing the Badge Class Data

If your search returned some badge class data, the API will send it in the following structure:

  "data": [
      "name": "Badge Name",
      "description": "Badge description.",
      "image": "",
      "tags": [
      "issuer": "",
      "criteria": "",
      "alignment": [
          "name": "Alignment Name",
          "url": "",
          "description": "Alignment desription."
      "_directory": {
        "_location": "",
        "_valid": true,
        "_timestamp": 1409852679994
      "issuerResolved": {
        "name": "Issuer Name"
      "name": "Badge Name",
      "description": "Badge description.",

You can select the data items you want to display to your site or application users, for example building them into an HTML Web page.

If your search terms could not be matched in any badge classes, the API will respond with an empty array:

  "data": []

Parsing and Output

PHP Example

With the PHP example code above, you could process the badge class data returned from the Directory search by first placing the JSON in an array:

$dir_data = json_decode($result, true);

Then you could iterate over the array and write the results out to HTML:

//the data array
foreach ($dir_data as $item){
  //each badge in the array
    foreach ($item as $badge){
        echo "<h2>".$badge['name']."</h2>";
        echo "<img src='".$badge['image']."' alt='badge'/>";
        echo "<p>Issuer: <a href='".$badge['issuer']."'>".$badge['issuerResolved']['name']."</a></p>";

Since the API returns all of the badge class data items, you can select whichever fields you want your users to see. In this case the badge name is written to a heading element, the image to an img element and the issuer name combined with the issuer URL to form an HTML link. You could use the same technique to provide a link to the criteria for the badge.

The HTML output would be as follows:

<h2>Badge Name</h2>
<img src='' alt='badge'/>
<p>Issuer: <a href=''>Issuer Name</a></p>

The result could look something like this (with a bit of extra markup and CSS):


Here is the code in a more complete page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type='text/css'>
body, html {font-family:sans-serif; width:60%; margin:auto; text-align:center; color:#333333;}
a:link {text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:#fc9141;}
h1 {color:#ed1922;}
h2 {color:#279ddd;}
div {padding:3%; margin:2%; border:1px dotted #666666;}
img {width:50%;}


$curl = curl_init();
//recent endpoint url
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
//store the result as a variable
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$result = curl_exec($curl);

$dir_data = json_decode($result, true);

//the data array
foreach ($dir_data as $item){
    //each badge in the array
    foreach ($item as $badge){
        echo "<div>";
        echo "<h2>".$badge['name']."</h2>";
        echo "<img src='".$badge['image']."' alt='badge'/>";
        echo "<p>Issuer: <a href='".$badge['issuer']."'>".$badge['issuerResolved']['name']."</a></p>";
        echo "</div>";


Node Example

To achieve the same results as the PHP example above, in your node.js app end function, you could parse the returned JSON from the API as follows:

var badges = JSON.parse(badgeData).data;

After that you could iterate through the results, writing selected fields from each badge class out to the page:

var out="";
for(b=0; b<badges.length; b++){
    out+="<img src='"+badges[b].image+"' alt='badge'/>";
    out+="<p>Issuer: <a href='"+badges[b].issuer+"'>"+badges[b]"</a></p>";

The page display would be the same as the picture above with a little extra styling:

app.get('/badges', function(req, res){
    http.get('', function(dirRes) {
        var badgeData = "";

        dirRes.on("data", function (resData) {
            badgeData += resData;

        dirRes.on("end", function () {
            var badges = JSON.parse(badgeData).data;
            var b; var out="<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>"+
                "<style type='text/css'>"+
                "body, html {font-family:sans-serif; width:60%; margin:auto; text-align:center; color:#333333;}"+
                "a:link {text-decoration:none; font-weight:bold; color:#fc9141;}"+
                "h1 {color:#ed1922;}"+
                "h2 {color:#279ddd;}"+
                "div {padding:3%; margin:2%; border:1px dotted #666666;}"+
            for(b=0; b<badges.length; b++){
                out+="<img src='"+badges[b].image+"' alt='badge'/>";
                out+="<p>Issuer: <a href='"+badges[b].issuer+"'>"+badges[b]"</a></p>";


In the above examples we created simple pages with data retrieved from the Open Badges Directory API search endpoint. You could extend this in your own site or application, for example to allow your users to choose the search terms. However you build your search query, you can present the results in your own custom interface.

As you can see, you could use the Directory API /search endpoint to execute user-configurable searches of available badges, connecting your earners to badges from the diverse range of issuers within the Open Badges ecosystem.

To learn more about the badge class structure, see the Specification.

For the other Directory endpoints, see Retrieve Badges.